Thursday, June 30, 2011

getting into the blog game

So over the course of a semester I have gotten into several things that I thought I might never do, one of those things is this blog.  I do not fancy myself a person who wants to sit infront of a computer and talk, I much rather do something in person.  But here I am so be patient with this and know that I want to offer things to the average reader and try at the same time to give my point of view on things that I see working when it comes to childrens literature. 

I find myself pushing this blog in a direction that offers advive and suggestions when it comes to being a father and reading to your children.  This is an activity that has become something I have grown very fond of and love showing my children how much reading can do for them.  I want to offer my review of the childrens books we read and why we have them, to show the amazing talent that is out there for the young reader.  I also would like to draw attention to the importance of reading and how dads can become more involved in this part of their childs learning.

I want to point out that while the economy struggles and government decides that best way to compansate for this issue is by cutting teacher pay and removing some great programs from school in the hopes of balancing budgets.  As parents we have to decide how our children will get the education they need, how can we best prepare them for the road ahead.  It is by starting at home with a solid and excitting reading program that will be both rewarding and enjoyable for mom, dad, and the children.

I will be focusing mainly on readers from birth to age 6, I find that this is a great time to get the book bug to bit them, and with the thousands of great childrens books out there and a topic that seldom comes up when parents talk about their children I want that to change.  It seems when parents get together they talk about the newest clothes or stroller they got for their baby or young toddler but know one is talking about the books they read or have found for their little ones.  I want to be that dad who offers this conversation to now be open.

So I hope that this journey offers me the chance with time to bring this topic to the circle of moms and dads at the next gathering of friends and family.

Until next time  enjoy the summer nights

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